Talk to us
Please reach out to us at any time and we will respond as we can. We would love to help connect any local or single-issue political activist groups across the country who might be interested in coordinating their efforts against the current administration. Our goal is simply to facilitate communication.
Why trust us?
We are not trying to create a list or directory of resistance groups, just a hub where information can be shared. We recognize the danger inherent even to peaceful political discourse or action against an encroaching authoritarian regime. Accordingly, we aren’t asking for any identifying information beyond an email address to open alternate communications channels.
But who are you?
We are just concerned citizens who want to spread the message of resistance and share this symbol of the struggle. We are not an activist group, organization, or anything of the sort. We ask that you understand and respect our limitations and boundaries.
…and as always, most importantly, we are here to tell you that you are not alone.